Discover unique, mystery destinations while exploring interesting things along the way with Tiny Adventures.
Discover unique, mystery destinations while exploring interesting things along the way with Tiny Adventures.
Tiny Adventures was one of several products concepted during our Hack Day, Kettle Royale. Each team had two days to concept, design, and prototype a digital product. The product concepts where then pitched and scored, the winning team won time and resources to build and launch their product. The competition was tough and we came close, but didn't win.
I worked on the UX, delivering concept sketches, user flows, wireframes and interactions.
UX Designer
Tiny Adventures injects a bit of mystery into sight seeing and day trips. Users spin a wheel to pick an adventure based on theme, cost, time, and level of difficulty. It allows users to be a traveler anywhere by providing unique adventures for both tourists and locals.
Step by step directions with surprises and pit stops along the way.
After each adventure, users see a summary of their trip and get a stamp or badge in their passport. They can then get directions home or go on another adventure.